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Raisbeck Ram Air Recovery System for King Air

Available for all 200/B200 King Airs. An EPIC element.  Installation by Cutter Aviation Technical Services.


  • Significantly improved climb and cruise performance with ice vanes stowed or deployed
  • 20º cooler engine ITT at equal torque
  • 8% increase in available horsepower
  • 8% to 11% block fuel savings
  • Ice vanes may be deployed at any time including taxi and takeoff when at OATs up to ISA +27ºC

Maximum performance gains from the Ram Air Recovery System are obtained when paired with Hartzell/Raisbeck Quiet Turbofan Propellers which, because their twist extends all the way to the spinner, drives high-pressure air into the engine inlet.


  • FAA-certified to protect your engines from ice and foreign object damage
  • Developed and tested in conjunction with Pratt & Whitney

Reduce torque loss with ice vanes deployed.
The Raisbeck-patented Ram Air Recovery System maximizes the air to the engine inlet so that your engine retains the same power with ice vanes deployed that you get now with the ice vanes stowed. Your aircraft retains speed and power as you climb through clouds or inclement weather. With ice vanes stowed, you experience increased power and speed, and you save fuel—all at lower engine temperatures.

Protect against Foreign Object Damage (FOD).
When Hartzell/Raisbeck Quiet Turbofan Propellers or the Hartzell/Beech 4-bladed propellers are installed, ice vanes may be deployed at any time—including on the ground, during takeoff, and for landing—when at OATs up to ISA +27oC. Use of ice vanes on RARS-equipped aircraft on the ground and during takeoff and landing minimizes the risk of foreign object damage. For this reason, the United States Army has equipped its entire C12 fleet with the Raisbeck Ram Air Recovery System.

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